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Considerations for selecting flood barriers

Now people pay attention to safety, and people are beginning to pay attention to food life safety. And now the technology is more and more developed, developed a flood control flap, this kind of water baffle can be installed in a variety of entrances and exits, is to resist the entry of rainwater in the rainy season, to protect everyone's property from damage,

The choice of a good quality water baffle does not mean that everything is fine, there are some precautions we need to pay attention to in the process of use, only to deal with the precautions in use can ensure that we can get the effect we want at the critical time, the following in order to enable you to better familiar with the manufacturer of the water baffle to introduce in detail the matters that need to be paid attention to.

First, it is necessary to do regular testing of flood control and water barriers

The occurrence of flood conditions is a sudden accident, so our water shield is not used most of the time on weekdays, so there may be some small faults in the case of long-term idleness, in order to eliminate these faults in time, we need to regularly detect to ensure that no unexpected situation occurs at critical moments.

Second, it is necessary to test and record the changes in equipment performance

When our flood control flaps are first purchased, we need to test the corresponding performance, and record the original data, and then every quarter we should do the corresponding test and then record the data, so that we can grasp the performance changes, so that we can do the corresponding maintenance and testing work according to the basis.

Third, pay attention to the replacement of parts that have expired the durability period of the equipment

The material structure used in the professionally supplied water baffle is guaranteed, but in this way we can not guarantee that the durability of our parts will not exceed the deadline, especially the products that deal with flood conditions, its parts, etc. must be damaged, so we need to replace accordingly to prevent accidents in the next flood and the replacement of the selected parts should also be provided by the original parts or recommended by the original parts.

Reasonable use can greatly extend the service life of the water baffle, I believe that after dealing with the above for you to introduce a few precautions for use, you can get a very significant effect, pay attention to the usual regular maintenance, the performance of the change test and record and is to timely replace the parts that are not durable enough.

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