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Whether the special sandbags for flood control are afraid of freezing

Sandbags for flood control play an important role in our flood control work. It has brought great convenience to our work, in the previous article we introduced the various details of the use of flood control sandbags, but in general, we introduce the use of rainy season, some customers may ask, in the winter use of flood control special sandbags need to pay attention to? Are sandbags for flood control in winter afraid of freezing?

The main things for summer use have been introduced, so are flood control sandbags afraid of freezing? This is to be considered from two aspects.

In the case of flood control sandbags have been used, and the temperature has been below zero, flood control special sandbags will not be affected during use, on the contrary, because of the infiltration of water, coupled with the decrease of temperature, after entering the freezing period, the whole sandbag will become harder and stronger, the better the role in flood control, the whole sandbag wall will become a whole, can play a better flood control role.

According to the above, can it be said that the special sandbags for flood control are not afraid of freezing? In fact, in this process, flood control special sandbags will not have adverse effects, but once thawed, because of the role of freezing, after dissolution may cause certain damage to the sandbag itself, at this time the sandbag may appear aging, or during the thawing period for handling, resulting in violent deformation of the sandbag, eventually leading to the rupture of the sandbag, so that the flood control special sandbag is still afraid of freezing.

Therefore, whether the flood control sandbag is afraid of freezing score two aspects to consider, of course, we can also take different measures to prevent, which we will introduce separately in a later article.

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